Professors and former students of Aesthetics at Unis participate in a Congress in Chile

Teachers and graduates of the Technology in Aesthetics and Cosmetology and Post -Graduation in Aesthetics and Health from Grupo Unis, and other professionals from Chile, Argentina and Cuba, were invited to participate in the 1st International Congress of Willness, Aesthetics & SPA.

The event was organized by educational partner Studio Esthétique Academia Internacional, with its scientific director Dr. Fernando Pita Santana and his academic director Dr. Patrícia Ibarra Lema, in the city of Temuco, southern Chile, on the 3rd and 4th of November.

Teachers Ma. Rosangela Zampero, Esp. Rosane Ferreira Marques Silva and former graduate and undergraduate students, Ma. Isabel Cristina Tavares Vicente and Esp. Robenil José Brito were able to enhance the Congress with lectures and intensive courses focused on the area of ​​cosmetology applied to multifunctional cosmetic products; acne treatment with clays and essential oils; facial massage with essential oil and “botox” effect; facial and body therapeutic massage with essential oils and clays; nail treatment of onychomycosis with the association of technology and vegetable oils.

It was an opportunity to improve knowledge not only in the classroom, but also to exchange experiences internationally. And, above all, to bring a little to each student who is still in the face-to-face or virtual classroom, a little of those who passed through Unis and today are professionals who stand out in the Aesthetics and Health market throughout Brazil.

“Get to know a country active in SPA therapy, thermal practices and other aesthetic services , it is a great responsibility for us in Brazil, as we are the protagonists in the training of so many professionals in these areas”, comments Professor Rosângela.

In addition to the academic activities, participants were also able to learn about the gastronomy of southern Chile, the ancestral culture of the Mapuche indigenous people and their descendants. The etymology of the Mapuche name originates from the fusion of two words, “mapu”, which means land, and “che”, which means people.

The group also visited the Villarrica Volcano in Pucón. With an altitude of 2,847 meters and located in the mystical Cordillera de los Andes, this is one of the postcards of the Araucanía region, about 780 kilometers from Santiago.

In recent days, they also enjoyed the thermal springs Los Pozones, which has six stone pools with different depths and temperatures. Surrounded by forests and a flowing river, the pools are set in stunning natural surroundings.

“About our professional and tourist experience, with the opportunity to know a little more about Chile, it opens up new opportunities for exchanges between countries, not only with Chile, but also throughout Latin America”, reports Rosangela.

That new international and cultural experiences can occur within the Unis Group through the sector of International Relations!

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