International Relations Coordinator will visit a higher education institution in the United States

In April this year, the Unis Group International Relations coordinator, Ana Amélia Furtado de Oliveira, will visit the Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS) units in the city of Spokane, Washington, United States.
The coordinator got to know Spokane College through the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program, organized by U.experience, with the theme “Intercultural Communication”.
“These were very rich classes in which American and Brazilian students, including those from Unis, were able to reflect on the cultural specificities of the countries reflected in the communication. In addition to the international cooperation environment, it was a subject that interested me a lot, both for future projects within RI and for the Literature course, where I teach here at Unis”, comments Ana Amélia.
The expectation is that the visit will initiate a series of collaborations between the two institutions, including in relation to language teaching practices, generating experiences and learning that will bring many benefits to students, teachers and the community in general.

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