Unis Architecture Student talks about his exchange experience in Paraguay

In the first half of 2022, Architecture and Urbanism student Maria Morena Naves Dias was one of those selected to do an exchange program at the Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación, in Paraguay. She will stay from August to December this year in the country and tells in her report how the experience has been:

“My name is Maria Morena, I’m a student of Architecture and Urbanism at Unis and I’m going to share a little of my experience studying in Paraguay, at the Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación (UNAE).

I believe that facing new experiences always causes us a stratospheric butterflies in the stomach, or some butterflies in the belly that seem to come out of the mouth and I wouldn’t say it would be less fun to feel all this in an opportunity that everything is new and full of possibilities.

I wouldn’t say less about Academic Mobility, it was an opportunity that I thought ‘why not?’. We make our own opportunity, or open our own door to new experiences. Having the chance to improve my knowledge and see in practice how a whole culture moves with different habits, festivities, customs, for a 19-year-old girl, who has long dreamed of visiting another country, was the best idea possible.

The university is wonderful, both the classes and the students are super committed to the activities. The student environment allows and greatly supports students to enter projects and other activities that integrate with their degree.

Each day is a new experience that I learn from the people here and I see how huge the culture of South America is for the little I’ve ever known. And as I was talking about opportunities, I saw an opportunity to start recording some of the architecture and customs that I see around here on my profile, which for me is what a logbook open to people who want to understand a little of this country that is Paraguay. After all, as the elders could say ‘where one door closes, another opens’. As much as I love my cheese bread from Minas, I’m loving the chipa from our Paraguay and I recommend that, if you get the chance, come and try it too! The exchange is unique and unmissable.”

The future architect created Instagram Architect Project, where he shares, among other things, his exchange experiences and impressions of Paraguayan architecture.

The Unis International Relations sector already has selection notices open for students who are interested in studying abroad in 2023/1. Next week the UNAE edict will also be available. To learn more about exchange offers at the institution, access Instagram Facebook or International Relations website.

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