Academic Mobility Program – Incoming 2021/1

The International Academic Mobility Program for foreign students was created with the aim of offering qualification opportunities for young people who want to enjoy an intercultural experience, living with the Brazilian reality during a certain period of their university life. This is done through academic and professional experiences in Brazil, thus fulfilling the desire to have an international experience.

What Unis Offer

The international exchange student will be offered:

  • Scholarship
  • Free accommodation
  • Possibility of paid internship
  • Support for International Relations with the visa
  • Disciplines in Portuguese and in English
  • Portuguese course

General requirements to participate in the International Academic Mobility Program

All students who belong to any of the foreign institutions affiliated with the Unis Group is invited to participate in the International Academic Mobility Program, just being regularly enrolled at their home institution. However, some basic requirements will guide the foreign student on the most appropriate time for him to be able to meet international requirements for participation in exchange programs of this nature.

The Unis Group, in order to prioritize the academic excellence of the exchange programs, will observe if the student fulfills the following prerequisites:

  • be regularly enrolled in any course offered by the partner institution;
  • present an adequate academic profile;
  • present an adequate profile to an international experience;
  • be aware of housing standards and academic standards and commit to fully complying with them;
  • meet the specific requirements eventually requested by different programs, such as knowledge exams in specific areas.

Foreign students who want to participate in the Unis Group’s International Academic Mobility Program may present a certificate of proficiency in Portuguese, however, if they do not have any certificate, they may participate in the Portuguese language classes offered to Unis Group partners.


  • Be aware of the guidelines contained in the notice;
  • Fill the Google Form (Forms) with the data and documents requested;

The foreign student is fully responsible for organizing the documents he / she must present to the Unis Group. The validity, legality and punctuality in the delivery of documents are the sole responsibility of the student, since they are personal and non-transferable documents.

The documentation that must be submitted to participate in the International Academic Mobility Program can be found on the Academic Mobility registration link.



Application Form

Fact Sheet


For questions, contact:

This page is aimed at foreign students.

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Grupo Unis


"Formar pessoas socialmente responsáveis, nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das regiões em que atua".


"Até 2023, ser um grupo educacional empreendedor que, mediante práticas inovadoras e tecnológicas capazes de assegurar educação de qualidade, se destaca por oportunizar experiências internacionais à sua gente, visando prepará-la para uma nova economia."

Valores Institucionais

I. Prestabilidade - habilidade de entender os problemas e dificuldades dos outros e responder de forma positiva.
II. Excelência - capacidade de atingir a eficácia (resultados) através da melhor eficiência (processo) gerando a qualidade expectada.
III. Inovação - capacidade de implementar novas soluções que melhorem a excelência institucional.


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