Virtual Academic Moblity

The Virtual Academic Mobility was created with the objective of providing online opportunities for internationalization, allowing foreign students even from their country to have access to classes in another language, either in Portuguese or English, and to have contact with Brazilian students and other countries. while studying the disciplines related to their original course.

The Unis Group, through bilateral collaboration agreements, signed with foreign higher education institutions and, through participation in international academic cooperation networks, can receive students from five continents to participate in the mobility program, once it is a candidate for receive foreign students of the most diverse nationalities, languages ​​and cultures.

The Virtual Academic Mobility Program is a way to ensure institutional qualification, through constant curricular innovation, and the insertion of the university in the panorama of higher education institutions, national and foreign, that opted for the internationalization process, even in periods when it is not possible for the foreign student to be in person at our institution.

For more information, access:



Application Forms


In case of questions, contact:

This page is intended for foreign students.

If you are a student at Grupo Unis and want to carry out virtual academic mobility, visit:

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Grupo Unis


"Formar pessoas socialmente responsáveis, nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das regiões em que atua".


"Até 2023, ser um grupo educacional empreendedor que, mediante práticas inovadoras e tecnológicas capazes de assegurar educação de qualidade, se destaca por oportunizar experiências internacionais à sua gente, visando prepará-la para uma nova economia."

Valores Institucionais

I. Prestabilidade - habilidade de entender os problemas e dificuldades dos outros e responder de forma positiva.
II. Excelência - capacidade de atingir a eficácia (resultados) através da melhor eficiência (processo) gerando a qualidade expectada.
III. Inovação - capacidade de implementar novas soluções que melhorem a excelência institucional.


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